The Luxify Collectibles
Large Victorian Leather and Brass Dog Collars
Large Victorian Leather and Brass Dog Collars
Price On Request
Dimensions (cm): 19 x 6
Year: 1900's
Dog Collars in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries were largely made of leather, brass or, latterly, Old Sheffield Plate. Brass and Old Sheffield plated examples survive in greater numbers due to their durability. However, antique leather Dog Collars do not survive in any great numbers due to the simple fact that they were practical objects which deteriorated over time, and they were not seen as collectible items at the time. They would have been used for guard, or similarly large, dogs. To have a group of eleven various antique dog collars is thus a considerable rarity. These particular collars have been assembled over a period of seven years during which time only good period examples were purchased.
Bar Code: 10289