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A bronze standing figure of Nagabhushana

Posted by A&J Speelman

13 May, 2020

A bronze standing figure of Nagabhushana

Price On Request

### **A bronze standing figure of Nagabhushana**

**15th century, India**

**Height: 64 cm, 25.2 inches**

This bronze figure stands feet apart, dressed in a pleated robe from the waist down. Jewellery adorning his neck, arms, and ankles, while diagonally wrapped around his bare chest is a snake, anther around his waist. His eyes are inlaid with silver. His left hand holds a staff.

**Similar Examples**

_Bronzes of Kashmir_, P.Pal , image 92 of Garuda, Himachal Pradesh, 15th century from the Pan-Asian Collection.

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