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T. rex Head (Jurassic Park Movie)

Posted by ExhibitsRex

15 May, 2020

T. rex Head (Jurassic Park Movie)


All the dinosaurs for Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park: Lost World that are featured here were originally sculpted for Stan Winston Studios which built the robotic dinosaurs for the 3 JP films.
These dinosaurs were made from the original molds, and are the only set for sale anywhere in the world. I had them built for a touring exhibition I built after consulting on the film, to raise money for dinosaur research, with Spielberg's permission. I already wrote you about their composition. Here's a bit more description about the animals and how they compare to the actual dinosaurs which inspired them.

T. rex Head T. rex was the deadliest of all dinosaurs. At 7 tons and a school bus and-a-half in length, T. rex was the biggest dinosaur in its world. The six-foot long head of the Jurassic Park T. rex is slightly larger than the known T. rex skulls. But its banana-sized sharp teeth and massive jaws are dead ringers for those sported by the King of the killer dinosaurs.

T. rex head and neck - 5 feet high and 6 feet long - $44,000 US (allow 6 months for delivery)

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