The Luxify Collectibles
“E.V.A. Space Suit Arm and Glove Assembly”
“E.V.A. Space Suit Arm and Glove Assembly”
Price On Request
The Pressure Garment Arm was developed and built by Final Frontier Design under contract for NASA in 2011\\. The glove represents one of the most complex mobility elements in the space suit, and includes customized fingertips, with fingernails laminated in to keep an anthropomorphic shape when inflated; heat-sealed finger gores for a large and low torque range of motion; a customized palm bar from aircraft grade steel to force the palmar concavity while pressurized; and a two-ring system to allow the wrist a full range of motion. The glove represents the latest in state-of-the-art pressure garments, and as such, the future of Extra Vehicular Activity gloves for NASA.