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紅石山川 鄭希林 Landscape by Xi-Lin Zheng

Posted by BLINK Gallery

14 May, 2020

紅石山川 鄭希林 Landscape by Xi-Lin Zheng


XiLin Zheng also know as "Master of the House of Prolonged Happiness", his artworks are authorized as national diplomatic gifts of China, hailed as "No 1 Master in Li Jin (tainted gold) Painting", the Buddhism world described him as "Buddha who draws Buddha". Born in Beijing in 1946, he studied in Central Academy of Fine Arts with famous painter Professor Jiang Zhaohu as his mentor. Zheng revived & patented the lost ancient technique since the Song Dynasty - "Li Jun" (tainted gold). In recent years, he got various international Chinese art and craft awards from Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. His works is also being collected by Gexi Ke Caicizhimu Living Buddha, Chief of Yonghegong - Jiamu Yang Tu Budan Living Buddha, Buddhist Association of China, Prince of Thailand, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Awni Behnam & United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon etc.

鄭希林,中國礪金國畫師,號長樂齋主人,1946年生於北京,早年就讀中央美術學院,師承著名人物畫家蔣兆和教授。 幾十年來在中國人物畫上潛心磨練,外師造化,不斷研習及探索,他研究及恢復中國古老國畫技法——礪金運用在繪畫上,被譽為中國「礪金工筆畫第一人」的當代畫家 。 此是新的創舉和突破!

近年來他以中西結合的工筆畫作品在中國美協和國內外美術大展中獲獎入選。 在泰國、新加坡、馬來西亞三國的中國工藝美術作品大展中獲創獎,得到國際認可。

鄭希林將礪金繪畫技法與藏族唐卡融合,為唐卡添上莊嚴與尊貴。令你走進了金色的世界,如置身於富麗堂皇的殿堂,無論是慈悲為懷的白度母或莊嚴神聖的佛祖,既保留了傳統西藏唐卡的嚴謹和神秘風格外, 礪金還為唐卡添上閃亮的金黃色,盡顯莊嚴與尊貴。讓礪金唐卡成為一件十分難得的藝術瑰寶。他的礪金唐卡作品更被格西科才慈智木活佛,雍和宮主持嘉木楊圖布丹活佛,中國佛教協會,泰國素博巴莫親王,聯合國副秘書長貝楠,聯和國秘書長潘基文等收藏。

中國 國務院 國禮特供藝術家
+852 6091 9191

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