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Hunting lion, Tanzania 2015


14 May, 2020

Hunting lion, Tanzania 2015


The lion is undoubtedly Laurent Baheux?s animal of choice. A symbol of power, majesty and courage, the King alone innately represents the noble and worthy values that are portrayed in all of his creations. Here, the photographer chooses to share a decisive moment, the one in which the king is ready to spring, his eye threatening and mouth open. The animal?s charisma is reinforced by its raw beauty, supple posture and the intense use of contrast.

**The artist: Laurent Baheux**

Laurent Baheux was attracted to journalism and editing at first, rapidly discovering a passion for photography and becoming a self-taught photographer. His devoted practice and his knowledge of the sporting world opened the doors to the top press photography agencies. From then on, he covered the main international competitions and channelled his energy towards conditions of speed and extreme demand. He has always been fascinated by Africa. From 2002, during a visit to Tanzania, he began private work on the wild fauna, its beauty, strength, roughness and great fragility. He chose black and white, with its play on shadow, light and contrast, to immortalise rare and ephemeral scenes of nature, constantly trying to sublimate the animals, to capture the magnificence of their attitudes, the emotion of their look? Through this authentic quest, Laurent wants to show the vividness of these species which are still alive, but more menaced than ever, and the immense richness that they represent for the planet. In the continuity of his photographic commitment, he accompanies and supports the deeds of organisations which work for the protection of nature and the preservation of biodiversity. He is also the author of Land of lions, a sensitive and moving work in black and white, like an ode to wild life...

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